


Hi There!

The changes are pieces of beauty evolution in reverse

As much as the flowers that I saved change through the days of our lives together I changed as well. They changed because as everybody knows (I guess) each flower has its own season besides when you take a flower away from the place that she or he (as you prefer) was born; you could say that its time to say goodbye, it will come sooner rather than later and that’s just the nature of things. In the process of that happening I helped them become immortal and that’s when my own change started. I was no longer just a photographer that took pictures here and there, I was an Artist. I was creating art to have the opportunity to take a picture. I was also changing because I was noticing the unnoticed.  The unnoticed that people take for granted or maybe that’s not the thing; they just don’t care about those things because as I said two Sundays ago; they are no longer what they used to be and me neither. I guess I can describe it like this:

Once upon a time there was a lady photographer that used to take pictures of kids, buildings, dogs, cats or anything that you asked her to take. Suddenly while walking around the park and for some reason she noticed some petals on the floor. The trees said goodbye to some of their flowers days before and because of the wind, now they were petals landing on her feet. She saw that they were loosing color, but it was because people walked over them. For some reason, I don’t know why, she started creating art in her head with all of those petals and that’s why she started to pick them up. It was like each petal of flower was reasoning with her, telling her what to do next. Right away she thought, “they were flowers before so let’s make flowers again and that’s how the change began to emerge. At first she looked like the crazy lady, but then someone noticed, her name was Isabella. She took noticed and took some pictures of the art that Beatrice was creating. Now you can see it:

ArtFlower  Foto0938  Foto0939  Foto1397  Foto1398  Foto1400  Foto1403

PS. I don’t know if you noticed, but I started with one way of writing, then I got into another story and perhaps a third story is being born at this moment. We will see next Sunday, please keep in touch.

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